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- <?php
- // $Id: testMath_Integer.php,v 1.2 2003/01/02 01:58:29 jmcastagnetto Exp $
- // Example of use of Math_Integer
- echo date('\* r')."\n";
- echo '* PHP version: '.phpversion()."\n";
- echo '* Zend version: '.zend_version()."\n";
- // force to use a particular lib
- // comment all out to get automatic selection
- //define ('MATH_INTLIB', 'gmp');
- //define ('MATH_INTLIB', 'bcmath');
- //define ('MATH_INTLIB', 'std');
- include_once 'Math/IntegerOp.php';
- if (MATH_INTLIB == 'gmp' || MATH_INTLIB == 'bcmath') {
- $i1 = new Math_Integer('333333333333333333333333');
- $i2 = new Math_Integer('111111111111111111111111');
- } else {
- $i1 = new Math_Integer('33333');
- $i2 = new Math_Integer('11111');
- }
- $i3 = new Math_Integer(6);
- echo '* Using lib: '.MATH_INTLIB."\n";
- echo 'i1 = '.$i1->toString()."\n";
- echo 'i2 = '.$i2->toString()."\n";
- echo 'i3 = '.$i3->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::add($i1, $i2);
- echo 'i1 + i2 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::sub($i1, $i2);
- echo 'i1 - i2 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::sub($i2, $i1);
- echo 'i2 - i1 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::mul($i1, $i2);
- echo 'i1 * i2 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::div($i1, $i3);
- echo 'i1 / i3 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::mod($i2, $i3);
- echo 'i1 % i3 = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::neg($i1);
- echo 'neg(i1) = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- echo 'sign(neg(i1)) = '.Math_IntegerOp::sign($res)."\n";
- echo 'sign(neg(0)) = '.Math_IntegerOp::sign(new Math_Integer(0))."\n";
- echo 'sign(i2) = '.Math_IntegerOp::sign($i2)."\n";
- echo 'compare(i1, i2) = '.Math_IntegerOp::compare($i1, $i2)."\n";
- echo 'compare(i3, i3) = '.Math_IntegerOp::compare($i3, $i3)."\n";
- echo 'compare(i2, i1) = '.Math_IntegerOp::compare($i2, $i1)."\n";
- $res = Math_IntegerOp::abs(Math_IntegerOp::neg($i2));
- echo 'abs(neg(i2)) = '.$res->toString()."\n";
- // vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:
- // vim6: fdl=1:
- ?>